Monday, August 24, 2009

Weight, eye kneed to catch up! With my soar knee, it is hard for me to climb. Can you slough down? Hay, look at that see shale. Eye wonder how it got on this heel. Do you think the water came this far up once upon a time?

The English language is one of the most difficult to learn; many meanings for the same words, many spellings with the same sounds, same sounds with different spellings.

How many ways can you spell . . .


Can you think of other same sound, different spelling words?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Who am I?

I was the fourth president of the United States

I am known as the Father of the Constitution because I was its principle author.

I was the first president to have served in the U S Congress.

I wrote the Bill of Rights.

I believe the government should have a system of checks and balances.

With Thomas Jefferson, I organized the Republican Party.

I was Thomas Jefferson's Secretary of State.

Who am I?

Monday, August 10, 2009

Walked on Water

We know the story of Jesus walking on water. Which of his disciples also walked on water?

Hint - Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"

Friday, August 7, 2009

Fun Words

The bail on the tower wrang over and over as the goat pulled the rope. The gnu made at the church could not make the goat go away. She was a site as she tried two push the goat aweigh. She did not way enough to move the goat, sew she cut the rope up heigh sew the goat wood stop wringing the bale. Hay, don't cut the rope two short the paster called. The pastor had to by a gnu rope for the bail. He tyed the rope sew it was short enough the goat could knot reach it.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Jip was my first pet. She was a German Shepperd, but was real small. Someone said Jip was a German border patrol dog. I didn't matter; I loved her and she was mine. We would roam the farm together and she kept a watchful eye on everything I did.

I would lay in the grass and watch the clouds float by while rubbing Jip's silky coat. If we had to go to the fields, Jip would jump in the back of the pickup for a quick ride. She would lay under the truck until time to head home and would jump right up in the back for the trip to the house.

Jip slept under my window at night and I always felt safe. She was my best friend and a constant companion.

Tell me about your pet. I would love to hear from you. Thanks for visiting.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Public Library

The library as we know it today is called a "lending library." The library "lends" you a book to read and you return when your loan time is up. Libraries offer a great variety of books and you do not have to purchase them. Some of the books are fun, some are educational, some are instructional, and some are books of facts. Libraries keep old copies of newspapers for researching events.

The library is a great source of a variety of books without having to pay large sums of money. If you are interested in a book, a good practice is to go to the library, check out the book, and read it. If you find you would like to keep the book, you can then go to a bookstore and buy it. Not many people can afford to maintain a large library for their personal use.

With the development, ease of use, and convenience of the Internet, many people have abandoned the use of the library. The library is a magical place of discovery.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Super fun websites

Loaded with lots of fun stuff to do and read!

Loads of games for girls and boys of different ages!

Learn about weather around the world.

Need the history facts -,,

Math facts and help -

All around good reference site

What book of the Bible am I?

I am a book of the Old Testament.

I am believed to be written by King Solomon.

A summary of my passages reveals that a life not centered on God is purposeless and meaningless.

There are many remembered passages of this book but one of the most quoted passage begins with "There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven . . ."

I am known as the book of reflections of man.

What book am I?

Write your answers in the comment box and thanks for visiting!

Coming soon!




I want to hear from you!