Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Trivia for Kids

Is a tomato a vegetable or a fruit?

Tomato is a fruit that is used as a vegetable

How many eggs can a chicken lay each day?

Chickens lay one egg each day

How many pounds are in a gallon of milk?

Milk weighs 8.6 pounds per gallon

How much does water weigh?

Water weighs 8.35 pounds per gallon

Which is the largest continent in size? Which is the smallest continent in size?

Asia is the largest continent. Australia/Oceania is the smallest continent.

Which is the largest continent by population? Which is the smallest continent in population?

Asia is the most populated while Antarctica is the least populated.

Australia is in which hemisphere? When does Australia experience summer (warm) temperatures?

Australia is in the Eastern Hemisphere while some of the islands of Oceania is in the Western Hemisphere. Click here for map. Warm temperatures are experienced during the months of December, January and February, but varies throughout the continent.

What are Baby Teeth?

Baby teeth are a person's first teeth and are also known as deciduous teeth. They begin erupting (or coming in) at about 6 months and continue to erupt until age 30 months. A person shedding their baby teeth beginning around their 7th year until their 12th year. The baby teeth are replaced by permanent teeth.

An acorn is the fruit of what tree?

An acorn is the fruit of the Oak tree. Oak trees are deciduous trees - they shed their lives in the winter. Oak trees can live 200 or more years and some types of oak trees do not produce acorns until they are 50 years old. By the time an oak tree is 60 years old it produces thousands of acorns each year. The acorn is a major source of food for wildlife.

Have fun and post your answers! Trivia answers will appear in 2 weeks!

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